The first French Tractor Pulling Federation (FFTP) was created in 1986. It supports and supervises the development of a popular sport. Very quickly, France became one of the leading countries for pulling in Europe. Since 2004, the French Tractor Pulling Federation was born, to adapt to the requirements of the evolution of competitions. Today, many French organizers offer national championship and Eurocup rounds, all under the umbrella of the FTPF and the ETPC. And French competitors race in France and Europe.
Tractor Pulling is a motor sport that appeared around the 1920s in the United States.
At the time, these were traction competitions initiated by farmers. The goal? To compete with their vintage tractors.
The trailer is minimalist: a simple wooden sled on which stewards climb every 10 metres to ballast it.
The tractors had a power ranging from 10 to 40 hp and the race ended when the engine ran out of steam and stalled. The winner was the competitor who covered the longest distance.
Arriving in Europe at the beginning of the 70s under Dutch impetus, Pulling was exhibited for the first time in France in 1983.
At the time, the "Tractosaurs" had powers ranging from 500 to 1,500 horsepower. The tractor tracks were full of fans and the stands grew larger every year.
Faced with the growing success of the discipline, in the 1980s, a national federation was created and a French championship was born.
The federal office works with the Board of Directors on the life of the federation around its Organizations / Techniques / Communications missions